[:en]Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 19:24-43
Biblical Truth: When Absalom died, his people fried to profess allegiance to David to gain his favor and ask things from him. But there is one wealthy man 80 years of age named Barzillai who remained loyal to David and provided the king during his stay in Mahanaim. When the king asked him to cross over with him and stay in Jerusalem, he gladly reclined his offer of reward. Instead, he let Kimham to cross over with the king. Barzillai did not expect any returns from the kindness he showed to David because he is faithful to David through thick and thin.
Personal Application: What kind of follower are you? Do you still hold tight on Him in times of trouble? Or do you leave God when things get rough? How faithful are you to God?
Prayer: Help me to put my trust in you for whatever circumstance I am.[:zh]聖經閱讀:撒母耳記上19:24-43
聖經真相:當押沙龍死亡時,他的人民油炸,表示忠於大衛,得到他的幫助,並向他求問。 但是有一個80歲的名叫Barzillai的富有的人仍然忠於David,並在Mahanaim逗留期間為國王提供了國王。 當國王要他與他交叉並留在耶路撒冷時,他高興地傾斜他的報價。 相反,他讓Kimham與國王交叉。 Barzillai並沒有想到他向大衛表示的仁慈有任何回報,因為他通過厚厚而忠實於大衛。
個人申請:你是什麼樣的追隨者? 在困難時期,你還堅持他嗎? 或者當事情變得粗糙時你離開上帝嗎? 你對神有多忠心?