[:en]Thoughts from Mark 6[:]

[:en]Jesus said:  Only in his hometown among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor.  So do not be surprised if you will not be appreciated by your own people and relatives” (v. 4)

Application:  Do not be surprised if you will not be appreciated by your own people and relatives because often times you will be taken for granted.

John the Baptist told Herald that it is unlawful for him to have his brother’s wife.  So Herodias hold  grudge against John.  When  the opportune time came, she was able to liquidate him.  (vs. 14-26)

Application:  When you speak in truth and righteousness, expect that the ones affected will find a way to take vengeance against you.\

The 3 commands of Jesus:

  1. “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (v. 31)
  2. “You give them something to eat (v. 37)
  3. “How many loaves do you have?  Go and see”  (v, 38)


  1. You need time to isolate ourselves and take some rest.
  2. You must be concerned with the needs of others and willing to give generously.
  3. You must be resourceful to look around and search for opportunity to spread the gospel.

When Jesus walked on the lake in the evening, the disciples thought that He was a ghost and were terrified.  But Jesus spoke to them and said” “Take courage!  It is I, Don’t be afraid” (v. 50)

Application:  The moment fear and doubts creep into your mind, remember what Jesus said”  “Take courage, It is I, Do not be afraid”[:]