Our Daily Scripture – 10/8/24 (Tuesday)



After Baruch had written on a scroll the words Jeremiah dictated to him, Baruch said: “Woe to me!  The Lord has added sorrow to my pain.  I am worn out with groaning and find no rest” (v. 3)  But the Lord replied Baruch through Jeremiah as follows: “I will overthrow what I have built and uproot what I have planted, throughout the land.  (vs. 4-5)


Baruch was Jeremiah’s faithful secretary who showed the people’s trial and sorrows.  He wrote a second copy of prophesy after Jehoiakim had burned the original.  He was very disappointed when he heard that everything he had written had gone up in smoke.  Sometimes your work seem useless.  But always remember for whom you are doing them.

Baruch was struggling but God told him to take his eyes off himself and whatever records he thought he deserved.  It is easy to lose the joy of serving God when we take our eyes off from him.  The more we look away from God’s purposes but toward our own sacrifices,  the more frustrated we will become.  As you see God, beware of focusing on what you are giving up.  Look at him rather than at yourself.