Our Daily Scripture – 10/22/24 (Tuesday)


EZEKIEL’S CALL (vs. 1-9)

The Israelites were rebellious people but God still called Ezekiel to speak to them His words whether they will listen or not.  He told Ezekiel not to be afraid of them.  Ezekiel looked up and saw a scroll with words of lament, mourning and woe on both sides.


Ezekiel saw a vision.  He also heard a voice.  Then the glory of God with a glorious throne fell on his face.  God saw Ezekiel’s open and obedient attitude, so he filled him with His spirit and gave him the power to do the job.  Many times, we do not understand everything about God but let us be willing to be obedient servants, faithful in His service.

The world defines success in terms of  giving customers what they want.  Ezekiel was called to speak God’s message to the people  Whether they listen or not does not matter.  What is important to God is how he obeyed God and fulfill God’s purpose in him.  God will not judge us for how well people respond to our faith but for how faithful we have been to Him.  God wants us to tell the Good News whether people will accept or not.

God told Ezekiel not to be afraid or dismayed when he spoke His words.  When God’s spirit is within us, lay aside your fear of rejection or ridicule because God’s strength is powerful enough to help us thrive through the heaviest criticism.