[:en]Thoughts from Joshua 5[:]

[:en]The new generation was commanded to undergo circumcision.  Circumcision symbolizes putting off what belonged to the sinful flesh (Rom 8:”13; Col. 2:11-12) and devoting the heart wholly to the Lord (Duet. 10:16; Jer. 4:4) *Is your heart wholly devoted to the Lord?*  [:]

[:en]Thoughts from Joshua 4[:]

[:en]Joshua commanded the people to take 12 stones from the middle of the Jordan and carried over to their camp.  This was a testimony for the descendants that the Lord God dried up Jordan River for them to cross over.[:]

[:en]Thoughts from Joshua 3[:]

[:en]As they were about to cross the Jordan, the priests would carry the ark of the covenant of the Lord ahead.  When they set foot and touched the water, the water stopped flowing.  So all the people had completed crossing on the dry ground.[:]

[:en]Thoughts from Joshua 1[:]

[:en]Joshua succeeded Moses to lead the people of Israel.  God equipped him, enabled him and prepared him for this task.  He also encouraged Joshua with His promise to lead him and to be with him.  He reminded Joshua to meditate on the Book of Law so that he will be prosperous and successful (v. 8)[:]

[:en]Thoughts from Deuteronomy 33[:]

[:en]This chapter focused on the relationship of the tribes with the Lord.  It described how each one had a distinctive character, blessing and ministry. “The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms” (v. 27) “He is your shield and helper and your glorious sword.  The enemies will cower before you and… Continue reading [:en]Thoughts from Deuteronomy 33[:]

[:en]Thoughts from “Light to My Path” (3/20/17)[:zh]從“光到我的路”的想法 (3/20/17)[:]

[:en]Scripture Reading:  2 Samuel 22:31-51 Biblical Truth:  David saw God’s deliverance not only by saving him from trouble but also by strengthening his hands in his conquest of his enemies.  He saw God as training him for war, making him strong enough to bend a bronze bow and equipping him for battle. Personal Application:  When… Continue reading [:en]Thoughts from “Light to My Path” (3/20/17)[:zh]從“光到我的路”的想法 (3/20/17)[:]